
DigitalXModels - 3D Model Collection vol 5
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DigitalXModels - 3D Model Collection vol 5

DigitalXModels - 室外和道路设施模型,火车道栏杆,行人红绿灯,广告牌,公路指示牌,高压线塔,避雷针,路灯等模型。

Teach your kid to drive with these amazingly detailed 3D models!  Construct roads, train intersections and more, and immerse your teenager in a virtual driver's world.  JUST KIDDING!!  JUST KIDDING!!!  Hey, I have to make that really clear because people buy these models ALL THE TIME thinking they are getting some $800 object for dirt cheap and then they wonder where their shipment is 2 weeks later.  True story!!  Anyway... the 37 models in this collection ARE finely detailed (heck, even the traffic lights are rigged to turn on and off) and ready to drop into your 3D scene for ultimate realism.  Enjoy!


标签: 公路 马路 设施 模型
分类:资源 > 3D资源 > 道路和设施
发布:CGer | 查看: | 发表时间:2018/6/11 16:44:13 | 更新时间:2018/6/11 16:44:13

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