
Altair Inspire Cast
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Altair Inspire Cast 2022.3.0 Win64

Altair Inspire Cast 2023.0 Win64

Altair Inspire Cast是一款快速、简便、准确且经济实惠的铸造模拟软件,专注于创建高质量的铸造零件。它可以在早期铸造可行性和工艺开发阶段为工程师提供模拟铸造的能力,减少生产高质量铸件所需的试验和误差次数。模拟设置包括五个步骤:导入铸造和零件、定义浇口、创建零件、定义铸造过程以及运行研究。它可以包含不同的组件,如冒口、套筒、冷却器、溢流、模具、芯子和冷却器。

Altair Inspire Cast提供多种材料选择,包括钢和铝。可以使用不同的技术,如重力砂型铸造、重力压铸、高压压铸和低压压铸。模拟结果显示了充填和凝固阶段、温度以及孔隙度,并可以相应地进行调整。

Fast, Easy, Accurate, and Affordable Casting Simulation

Inspire Cast software is a fast, easy, accurate, and affordable casting simulation environment focused on creating high quality components with increased profitability through a highly intuitive user experience. It is the only tool that caters to beginners and experts alike, from product designers to foundry engineers. Right from early design phase, users can visualize typical casting defects such as air entrapment, shrinkage porosity, cold shuts, or mold degradation and rectifies them avoiding costly downstream corrections.

Guided process templates offer five easy steps to simulate gravity die, gravity sand, investment, high pressure, low pressure die casting, and tilt pouring. Inspire Cast's innovative experience enables users to increase product quality and design better products with a few hours of training.


标签: 工业 铸造 模拟 软件
分类:资源 > 软件资源 > 软件资源:未分类
发布:CGer | 查看: | 发表时间:2023/5/17 12:52:47 | 更新时间:2023/12/25 22:21:13

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