
Genesis: Light Generator - Blender灯光控制插件
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Genesis Light Generator

Blender 具有终极艺术控制的无限照明设置,Genesis是一个Blender插件,可以帮助你在3D场景中制作灯光。

Genesis使用艺术色彩控制来帮助您进行令人愉悦和无限的照明设置组合。6 种颜色模式、3 种布局模式和 5 种灯光类型与 8+ 可自定义设置相结合,让您完全控制,或者只需单击一个按钮即可获得风格化混乱的力量。


Infinite Lighting Setups with Ultimate Artistic Control

Genesis is a Blender add-on that helps you make lights in your 3D scene.

Genesis uses artistic color controls to help you make pleasing and unlimited combinations of lighting setups.

6 Color modes, 3 Layout modes, and 5 Light types combined with 8+ customizable settings give you complete control, or the power of stylized chaos with just a click of a button.

Color Modes

Range - Hue value between Min Hue and Max Hue

Complementary - 2 Hues from opposite ends of the color wheel - 180 degrees apart

Triad - 3 Hues on opposite sides of color wheel - 120 degrees apart

Monochromatic - 1 Color, all the same hue

Split Complementary - 3 Colors on opposite sides of color wheel - secondary and tertiary colors are +/- 160 degrees apart from the primary color

Analogous - 5 Colors on same side of color wheel

Layout Modes

Sphere (Creates lights equidistant from the selected object)

Top Sphere (Same as Sphere, but creates lights above horizon (+Z))

Grid (Creates lights above the selected object in a grid spiraling outward)

Light Types

Point - Emit light in every direction

Sun - Emit light from an infinite distance

Spot - Emit light in a cone shape

Area - Emit light from a plane

Plane - Emission shader from a mesh plane

标签: blender 插件 软件 灯光 照明 工具
分类:资源 > 软件资源 > Blender及其插件
发布:CGer | 查看: | 发表时间:2023/9/5 13:57:02 | 更新时间:2023/9/5 14:02:24

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